Proper pandemic prep
In preparing for battle I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable - Ike
There are those that are completely at ease day to day - crossing every bridge when they get to it. I am, generally, not one of those people. First order thinking is easy and quick. It's no coincidence that I've been described as a "slow thinker". At the time, I was a bit irked by the comment. It wasn't until much later that I realized that I regularly dive deep down the rabbit hole of second and third order consequences. Oh joy.
So, am I a prepper? No, not really. But I promise that I've gone through many simulations in my head and planned on contingencies. Is it worth the mental effort? Who knows.
If it eases my anxiety then I don't see much harm in doing the planning. What else can you do when the world runs out of toilet paper?