everything and nothing
Plagues, great floods, locusts, blah blah blah. I get it. You're totally cool with the "end of days"

People are just the worst. Different views shouldn't put others at risk. This shouldn't be a difficult thing to understand. Conservative cultists don't seem to get humility - they are toxic masculinity en masse. Such a jaded world view full of distrust and ignorance. They often feel no need to censor themselves in unknown company - either because of arrogance or blindness. No appreciation for irony or self reflection.

In pandemics, people die. Actions for the "greater good" don't need to be viewed as suspect. Don't be an asshole.

And speaking of assholes. What do you do with a coworker who openly shares his belief that the current pandemic is really just a hoax? That it's simply much ado about nothing.

I bite my lip, shake my head and imagine a Zoom feature that allows me to put a foot in his ass.

Full focus at a coffee shop
Photo by Tim Gouw / Unsplash