Frozen Markets

I knew it. I'm surrounded by assholes.
- Lord Dark Helmet

Texas is frozen. For those still there, it's difficult. Shit gets hard when you have no power to heat your home. It's so interesting (and frustrating) to read Rep/Cons twist everything to their skewed reality.

There's the mayor that resigned either before or after a Facebook post bitching about people wanting handouts. I guess there are some areas in Texas where power is handed out. When we lived there, we had to pay for it.

And then there was the eye-patched rep who blamed frozen wind turbines. Again, so amazing. Let's just ignore the plants that were offline and frozen pipelines. That really didn't contribute at all. We'll just retweet and repost a pic of a helicopter de-icing the blades of a frozen wind turbine. Ignore that it's actually a 2014 picture from Sweden.

And finally, good ole Rick Perry. Stupid is as stupid does, I guess. Texans should be willing to endure powerless frozen nights to fend off the ominous reach of federal regulation. Oh the fucking horror of regulation.

Texans have voted for these three jackasses so they are the will of the people, right? They have energy operators that aren't too interested in investing in cold weather operations. It's deregulated. So it seems that everything is working as expected.

This is the free market. This is capitalism at work. Frozen Texans should wait for the market to work it out and produce some energy operators that give a shit. I can't imagine it's too difficult to build competition with wind turbines, coal and natural gas plants or even a nuclear power plant or two. Right? That seems reasonable.